Wednesday, March 13, 2013



Popped up on the radio while driving back from a night of coding. Sigh

And then I just sat in my car waiting for the song to finish before getting off, at the same time, thinking, of how lonely it is to be the only one coding for my FYP. :/

I mean, for the razer project, there's kenneth to code tgt with.

For the gaming projects, there's always groupmates around to code tgt with, plus how this group really suits my coding style, cuz of the similar way of thinking through coding and stuff.

But for FYP, I'm all alone I guess. There's no one to turn to when I need help. The profs have no idea how to code an android app. I don't have a mentor. The ST Microelectronics people have no idea how to connect their device with an Android App (which is why I detest going to ST to work, but I guess, if I have no choice, then that would be where I end up). What's worse, my so-called groupmate doesn't seem to be doing anything, yet she's asking me for codes and stuff. I mean, hey, why ask me for my codes, when you're not gonna do anything about it? I asked her to help me figure out the connection problem, and guess what's the reply? "I have no knowledge on coding for Android, nor java."

Man, I mean. Don't come to me with that bullshit. This is a freaking FYP. At least put in some effort? I had close to zero knowledge before coming up with the App and stuff. Don't come up with bullshit like having no knowledge.

There's ppl like Mich who started off on her FYP with zero knowledge, and picked up all the necessary skills along the way. I don't see why this bitch can't even put in a freaking bit of effort to get some work done. 

Sigh, at least Mich wasn't alone when she was coding? Had her mentor to ask. Had me around to help out. :/

And for me? I'm just alone in this vast ocean of codes, trying to find that single line of code that can help me out in my App.

Sometimes, I feel like just breaking down. In fact, I think I'm close to that right now. I need to talk to someone, but with everyone so busy, the only way to let this emotion out is to just blog it out for now. Sigh.

How I wish there was someone here, where I could just tell that person, "有你真好"

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