Tuesday, April 02, 2013


This is what happens eh?

Firstly, I was asked not to talk like everyday..k, checked. That's what I did.

Then you decided that you needed help, so you happily came talking to me, cuz you know, and I know, that given the kind of person I was, I would gladly oblige. So, we started talking like everyday..

Now everything's over, no more help needed, and you just tell me not to talk to you everyday. Well done. Good job. There when you need, toss aside when you don't feel like it.

Its alright. Cuz you know what? I'll still be here if you need me, but it probably won't be the same again anymore.

I'm sick of feeling sad for these kinda things already. Making my eyes sore cuz of holding back tears. Making me stay up and just stone away cuz it saps away all kinds of motivation or mood for me to work on my FYP.

All I want is just for someone to be there for me to talk to, for me to de-stress while I chiong the last lap of my FYP. Pretty much similar to what I did for you when you needed me. But now we turn things around, I find myself sitting here alone, staring at the word document titled "Final Thesis". With the facebook tab on, knowing fully well that the fb msging sounds won't keep coming like they did previously. Cuz I was there for you, but you're not here for me. =/

I know I always say I don't expect anything in return for the help I offer to people. And yes, a thank you would suffice. But this, I guess its a bit too much for me to handle.. When my friends told me that it feels like you're using me, I told them "no, u dun uds her well enough." ..But after what you said about me not understanding you? Maybe..ya..even after all the things we've been through, I still can't say I fully understand you, and perhaps all I ever knew was what was going on with your FYP.

But I still want to believe that what I thought of you in the first place was right, and my friends are wrong... But ur actions are just... I don't even know why that after being sad cuz of u, I still choose to believe and trust in you.. =/

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