Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Saturday, February 09, 2013

I ask myself

Sometimes I ask myself. What's the point of all these?

What am I to you? Just someone you talk to when you need help?

Its the kind of helplessness you feel when the person's more impt to you than you are to her.

Maybe I shld just follow the standard advice, don't treat someone as a priority when you don't mean anything to that person at all.

Seriously, too many times, in the past one year, that I've put her in the priority, but to her, it just feels to me that I'm not that impt at all. It sucks to feel this way.

And its CNY again. Why is it that during this Feb period, somehow or rather, there'll be things that happen that deprive me of the festive mood. Last year, it was that unnecessary message on CNY eve, and this time round, its just the kind of shit feeling.

What am I to you?