Friday, September 16, 2011


I screwed up. My body clock, that is. For some reason that I do not know of, I slept from 7pm to 4am, though I woke up at 8pm for a while before going back to slp at 830pm. Pretty much means that I had 8.5 hours of sleep, while the night was still young. Dafuq.

And now, here I find myself, at 5am, early in the freaking morning, doing webcasts and drawing stuff for my 3001 project. Like, dafuq. Seriously. Its not like I'm emo-ing or anything, I'm perfectly fine with life now, with things going pretty smoothly for almost everything. If I had anything to complain, it is my inability to pass to her her present everytime I see her. Maybe its cuz we end up talking so much that it temporarily slipped my mind, or simply because I don't want it to stop our convo. Whatever the reason is, I find myself staring at her present every night (or rather, every morning, since I've become pretty much of a nocturnal animal)

Yes, short post, u mean u were expecting more? BAH!

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