Sunday, May 24, 2009


This is the year of randomness. I'm gonna turn my blog into one full of random quotes that just come to my mind. Pardon me, the randomness jus getting to me. This will probably be my last post with non-random sentences.

- kill me before you dare insult my pride of killing you.

- my pride, my freedom, your pain.

- if you freakin need to foul a person who only started playin soccer like a freakin 1 month ago, you needta think about what you've been doing for the past 10+ years playing soccer regularly.
*i'm talking about me as the one who started 1 month ago*

- livin' on a prayer *now that's freakin random*

- i'll step on your faith time and again, till you believe that you shldn't believe in anything but yourself

- you hold your own freakin destiny

- turn and shoot

- dribble and goal

- what an assist even i myself didn't believe i did it

- i'm freakin sitting in the south stand on 26th July


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