Friday, July 17, 2009

right to hate

everyone has the right to hate humans on this earth, simply because of one simple truth that is known to everyone. The earth is in its current state due to humans. What breeds hatred? It is due to actions done by people that harms your well-being. So, if humans are the one who caused pollution to the earth, because of humans' desire to live better, then there is a perfect reason to hate humans. Yes, it is true that without our desire to live better, we wouldn't advance to such a technological state that we are in. But was it truly necessary? I shall give a brief take on how i look at earth's current state, and what actually caused it.

But nvm, i shall not go into the details. Basically, we're so advanced simply because of us not being satisfied with what we already have. The basic needs of humans are food and water, and a place to sleep. But humans became greedy, they are not satisfied with the things that they already have, they wanted convenience, so they created weapons, to hunt better. Was money necessary in the first place? No, it wasn't. If humans were satisfied with what they already have, there would be no need for money. Everything can be simply exchanged with what they already have. Money was what led to even more greed. And what better way to earn money than to invent something great and sell it. Then came wheels, paper, cars, computer, and most importantly, weapons of mass destruction. Were all these necessary? Say, you have the ability to travel back in time. You bring along a HP laptop to the cavemen period, you give it to the caveman, is it of any use to him? The things we have now, are not essential to the well-being of human beings. Yes, it brings convenience, but it's just a never-ending cycle. To bring convenience to our lives, we created the computer. Then, because of issues with the computer, we had to constantly improve it to make it even more convenient. Was our advancement in technology really necessary? If we lived on as cavemen, would our lives not be happy? If we lived on as cavemen, would the earth degrade to its current state?

All in all, humans have every single right to hate every single human on this earth for what we have done to this earth. What better way to save the earth, than to give up on our wants and just to pursue our needs. But the society in which it is today, simply does not allow us to go after our needs only. Instead, it has made many wants into needs. Is wealth necessary for someone to be happy? It wasn't at all, you can still be happy if you don't have money. But society made it into such a way that you would be despised if you were poor, you would not have equal rights if you were poor. As such, it was society that made the want for wealth a necessity.

In the end, its all about wants vs needs. If we can give up on our wants and just focus on our needs, the earth would be a better place. I do not want the earth to be a better place, WE need the earth to be a better place. FFS, do something about it.

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