Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nobuo Uematsu

Nobuo Uematsu, he's just such a great composer. All his music, he's not just a game music composer, he's a great musician. He's what I've been trying so hard to do with my lyrics, to make songs that have stories to tell. All his music, have their own story to tell the audience. Just some simple examples. All these, if you're interested can be looked up on youtube, personal recommendation are those by Tour de Japon and Black Mages.

1)One-winged Angel
My personal favourite, cuz of the character the music is trying to portray. The music itself just, i dunno howta say it. I mean, you listen to it, you can feel how strong the music is trying to depict Sephiroth as. Strong, arrogant, untouchable.

*The rest are not in order of merit.
2)Aerith's Theme
Its just a sad song on the whole, like telling a story of how our dear Aerith died from my dear Sephy. lols. i mean, the whole song from the start, it was like it was telling us that aerith will die, but there's still hope, there's still love, there's still friendship in the world.

3)FF7 AC theme (a.k.a cloud's smile)
Another music that evokes the emotion in ppl, sad, and like all of nobuo's music, there's a story to tell, u just have to watch the movie to understand it.

ok, this music basically just gives u the impression that jenova is really a bad-ass alien. haha.

5)Opening, Bombing Mission
Classic song, basically i like those nobuo's songs that gives u the impression that some epic battle is coming up. And this opening is really the best song to start the ff7 game. Gives you the feeling that you're gonna play something epic. =)

6)To Zanarkand
The tune is just emo, emo and emo. All about the love between tidus and yuna. Their dreams, tidus' dream, yuna's dream. It tells a story, just like waht tidus said at the start of the game, "This is my story"

ok, stop here. Just listen to the whole Tour de Japon ff series ba, really very nice. XD

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