Saturday, January 15, 2011


It feels as if i'm being played around by you. The more heart I put into it, the further you seem to drift away from me. What's wrong? You were the one who started getting closer to me. I opened my heart to you, and you're pushing me away now? So tell me, what's wrong? Am I just your plaything? Am I just someone who you can order around easily? What am I to you?

You're making my heart go up and down at so fast a rate, that I don't even think I can take it anymore. Confrontation is needed, and soon it must be. I'll let this end soon, be it a new beginning or a crushing end to whatever that's not to be. You're just making me tired. You're making me run in circles, doing things for you, and at the end of the day, you tell me you don't need it anymore? What are you? Who are you? I don't think I even know you anymore.

My heart aches, for you made me believe, but you pushed me down when I thought I've reached the heavens. Back to this hell, that I do not need. The easiest way out is of cause not to give a damn at all, and say I don't care about you. But you and I both know this well, if I say I don't give a damn, I would be lying to you. And this vicious cycle will just carry on, one where when I distant myself from you, you try to get close, and when I get close, you distant yourself from me. Tell me, what is this? Is this what you want?

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