Saturday, October 20, 2012


I realised how I like to hold myself back when there are major events coming up in life. For example, like tml, there's a 10km run, so I just find myself holding back today during IPPT. Except for sit-ups, which I usually just do 40, I just gave almost only 50% for each of the station including 2.4km. Finishing the 2.4km and not feeling tired after it even though i jogged and finished within 12.30, well, that's obviously not 100%.

Isn't it the same in life? Even though I always tell myself to give a 100% if I know I can do something, I usually hold back and give just a little bit, like 80%. So is it that I failed cuz I told myself that I would fail beforehand, or is it that failure was always there, and I was right to hold back? I have no idea.

For once, I would like to give a 100%, but I'm just so perpetually tired this sem, I don't know if I would be able to manage. So, I'm really sorry if I appear to be not interested at times, but in actual fact, I'm paying pretty alot of attention to whatever that people are saying to me.

So, would 100% be enough? =/

Well well, let's take things one step at a time, and first up, nike run 2012.

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