Saturday, October 06, 2012

One bad thing leads, well, to another

Its been a long time I've let myself out so easily. Its been a long time that I've overthink things to such an extent. But what the heck. Just cuz of one freaking bad presentation, and now, i'm in a super sian mood.

Somebody get me out of this shit please. Just spiraling down this pit of emo-ness.

I usually use the parallel universe thingy to cheer myself up, but doesn't seem to be working this time round. Its a double-edged sword afterall. Well, the parallel universe thing goes like this:

For every decision that you make in your life, every point when you can make a choice, the universe splits, and there's an infinite number of universes out there based on all those decisions that different people make. So theoretically, there's an infinite number of universes where you are worse off than what you are feeling now in this universe, so what's the point of being emo? Sounds perfect right, but then the double edge sword comes in. There's also an infinite number of universes out there where those "you"s over there are having a better life. And you think to yourself, what the heck?

Looking back at all those decisions I've made in my life. Owell, there might be that "me" who didn't fall into the drain and broke my leg in sec sch that left me with a fk up shin for the rest of my life. That "me" would probably be running happily, and probably a national tkd player if everything went well. Then there's the "me" who was able to manage time properly, that I wouldn't neglect neither my gf nor my parents, and find it hard to keep one party happy. That me would probably have a gf of 8 years by now and looking to get married and stuff. Then there's the "me" who, owell, there's so much "me"s out there.

Sucks to be me now, this, argh, I hate this.

I just want to wake up happy tml again. =/

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